Benefits Of Employee Saliva Drug Testing - Umzu Reviews

Benefits Of Employee Saliva Drug Testing


Nowadays, many companies track their employees for drug use and abuse. They did not want the employees who use illegal drugs as they impact their working conditions. It also leads to corporate risks and fraud. Also, it affects the morale and productivity of the employees. Employers also follow employee drug testing for a better hiring process. Drug testing tells if there is the presence or absence of drugs like marijuana, heroin, morphine, methamphetamine, cocaine, steroids, etc. 

Drug tests happen through specimens like oral, urine, blood, hair, and sweat tests. Many companies prefer saliva drug testing for their employees. In this article, we will tell you about a saliva drug test for employees and also 6 panel saliva test:

About Saliva Drug Test For Employees 

A saliva drug test detects traces of drugs in someone’s saliva. Narcotics appear in the oral cavity when people consume them. So, the saliva drug test is best to check the recent use of substances in employees. Employers order the candidates to undergo this test before their hiring. Also, it is necessary for post-accident employees. Employers may conduct a test on randomly selected employees. They can avoid hiring people with drug abuse through this test. 

Also, it provides faster and more accurate results than urine drug testing. They are less invasive as well. No one can tamper with the results of a saliva drug test. Suspected employees are not permitted to come to work before the saliva drug test results arrive. They will stay on probation. If employees test positive for the drug test, they will be punished accordingly. 

Benefits Of Employee Saliva Drug Test

Below, you can check the benefits of a saliva drug test for employees:

  1. The best thing about a saliva drug test is that companies can afford it. It is not much expensive as urine drug tests. It is also better to purchase a saliva drug test kit as it is cheaper than laboratory tests. 
  2. It is tough to fake a saliva drug test for the employees. An administrator keeps an eye on the donor while taking the sample. So, there is no way for a donor to fool the test. So, the saliva drug test is tamper-proof. Organizations can also use onsite saliva drug test kits to guarantee samples are not tampered with.
  3. Saliva drug tests provide 99% accuracy for drug testing for employees. Also, this test accurately tells the current use of drugs. An administrator should conduct a saliva drug test properly.  
  4. A saliva drug test provides fast results than a urine drug test. You can also use a mouth swab drug test kit to get results in 5-7 minutes on-site. If you send the specimen to the lab for analysis, it can take 1-3 days. 

6 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kit 

Companies can purchase saliva drug test kits for conducting on-site drug tests. These kits are easy to use and provide results in some minutes. The saliva drug test kit has a swab stick with a sponge to swab the inside of the cheek or under the tongue. Also, a 6-panel saliva drug test kit is best to detect cocaine, methamphetamine, benzodiazepine, opiates, oxycodone, and marijuana through saliva specimens. 

Employees who are suffering from a shy bladder can depend on saliva drug tests. No one can tamper with the results of the saliva drug test kits. 6-panel mouth swab drug test costs around $7.50.


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